
The Problem With Tumblr

Like I said in the previous post there are some issue's with Tumblr which I don't think I'm going to be able to overcome. The lack of formatting options for the posts and the style in which it's used to upload images will make it a bit too featureless.

I also sent the Tumblr support team a quick question about embedding individual posts into websites. Being that I couldn't find any method for doing so other than to embed RSS. The following is my email:

Subject: Embedding individual tumblr posts

I'm looking to create a website that has an easy to use CMS to control news items / page contents etc in an easily navigated environment. My college tutor recommended I play around with tumblr for this and now I'd really like to use tumblr as the backbone for my college project website. I've found how to embed my tumblr site feed into my website but is there a way to embed individual posts? So that I might be able to control various page contents, over various different pages, from my
tumblr dash board.
If this is at all possible could you please show me how as I love tumblr and would want to continue using it!

Thank you for your time,

In reply to this email:

Subject: Re: (Case 6881) Embedding individual tumblr posts
Hi, Jako. That is not possible at this time. My apologies. I can't tell you how much we appreciate your support and feedback. I've passed your suggestion along to our development team.

Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.

Thanks for using Tumblr!

Marc :-)

I guess this rules out Tumblr for the time being, I shall however continue to use it and keep an eye on the updates it receives in future. There's a lot of potential behind Tumblr, but for what I need it in this case I think I'll give it a miss!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am facing the same problem, please post when you find a solution.