
Server Integrated CMS

Theres loads of available options of course, picking one shouldn't too much hassle since most of the advanced functionality of these highly developed CMS will be lost on the Food Dreckly website. With that in mind I decided to pick the one that seems to me the easiest to navigate and use.

The two that I looked at firstly were:

  • Drupal
  • PHPNuke

Drupal is very advanced, not to say it's overly complicated. This package is used around the world for projects ranging from corporate to personal websites.

Although the general ease of Drupal to use is obvious I decided that with such a massive array of options available to the admin, presented in such a way that isn't all that obvious sometimes, that Drupal would be powerful but possibly not the best option.

PHPNuke is a CMS that a few people I know use and love. However it's layout isn't nearly as good as that of others, even Drupal. One of the key aspects that I need to keep in mind when choosing is that it has to be very easy to navigate when using the back end admin panel.

There's also the fact that I have issue with it not being entirely open source and requesting that you buy a license to remove copyright text. Personally I'd rather support an entirely open source project that offers a friendlier outlook.

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