
2 Blogging Websites

To kick things off I looked at 2 blogging websites:


While using blogger would be possible, it is seemingly only possible by embedding RSS feeds into the website. RSS feeds are hard to format and annoying to implement. Although Blogger is a very good blogging website, the support it has for embedding it's posts in other websites seems to be fairly none existent, so I dropped this as a choice fairly soon after looking into it. I also feel that steering clear of Google applications is always the best approach in life. Using a blogging application like this can also look a bit messy and I feel it is somewhat of a cop out. In the long run I'd want something more integrated.

I could have however used a blogger blog site entirely. By skinning it cleverly and using labels to mark pages and then using the fooddreckly.com domain name to give it a more Food Dreckly inclusive feel. We'll see if I'll return to this option at a later date, but I doubt I will.


This is a website that was suggested to me by my tutor.
This is a very cut down version of your usual blogging website in so much that it is designed more with a scrap book appeal to it. The idea behind Tumblr is to create a system of incredible ease and speed with which to blog with. However, despite Tumblr being a very easy system to use it does have a lot of very advanced features behind it. Of course it's greatest appeal is it's ease of use, given what I need of it to fulfill this brief.

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