
WordPress Skinning

One issue about WordPress that got me at this stage was the theme system. Although it's very easy to use, very easy to install new ones, very easy to customize it was always about to receive a major overhaul in the coming months. Due to this I didn't want to stray too far from the default theme which was highly integrated with the WordPress CMS.

This is a screenshot from the example page from the WordPress homepage. It shows the default theme in it's relatively default state. Although this theme isn't at the height of beauty it is very well made and provides a very decent starting point for creating my own customization of this theme. There is also a version 2 of this theme on the way that I tested briefly. Although buggy at this stage "Kubricks" next update will be "K2" and from what I could see it is very impressive. It adds massive functionality to the theme editor within the CMS and would be, once released, the major next default theme for the next release of WordPress. So given all this I decided I would go with Kubrick for now, hoping that this leaves me in a better position to transfer over to the new version of WordPress.

The above image is that of K2, taken from the K2 website. Although it looks quite plain in it's default state it's the back end stuff that I'm more interested in as it integrates itself with WordPress much more and makes the entire site, including the CMS behind it much easier to use.

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