
Panoramic Photography + Viewers

Recently panoramic imagery has been something I've been looking into quite a lot. I find it very interesting to view the various images you can find on the web. Having been looking into it for quite some time I've found some very interesting 360* imagery and devices for viewing them. At the top of my list of impressive programs is the Microsoft HD Viewer. This highly advanced utility is for both the creation (stitching) or panoramic images or for the viewing of them. It's also for use more specifically with HD and gigapixel 360* images. The application can be ran and viewed as an ActiveX applet that installs into your browser.

The application can be used to fully zoom in on tiny aspects of a large HD/Gigapixel image that's been taking using fish eye 360* panoramic pictures such as this image above shows. Look how the image can be zoomed in from such great distances. Baring in mind this is not software that stitches various pictures taken already at different zoom levels but instead stitches in a series of VERY high detail panoramic images.

Other applications for this software is the CCTV version. The software can read live fish eye lens feeds and convert them into flat panoramic images. This allows a single static situated CCTV camera to capture a full 180 degrees of photage that can be viewed from a remote console.

A few other sites of interest are listed below, some really good panorama's on them:

Bohonus Virtual Tour
Panoramic Stock

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