
Researching banners

Shrek Interactive Advert

This interactive advert uses the highly popular overlapping advert technique that seems to have become incredibly popular all of a sudden. It's a well polished advert that offers interaction, exploration and pleasing visuals. However like with all these adverts it can quickly draw your irritation as well while it overlaps onto web page content that you need to see or use. These adverts are only becoming more of a nuisance the more they become popular and start to obscure more and more of the website. My casing point for the annoyance they cause me really stems from the Pandora website that features such adverts appearing in various locations around the outer edge of the media player and can get stuck enlarged over the buttons that control the player. I would try and link to these adverts but the Pandora site loads random adverts each time your visit the website so finding an example would be down to shear luck.

Despite my hatred of the advert I do find they work, they always attract your attention. Even if my attention is mostly livid disgust.

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