
Art Steiber Photography

Ok so the subject matter isn't very interesting but as far as the web design of it goes I find this website quite something to look at. It's not overly flashy, it's not overly smart, but it is created in such a way that it loads superbly fast (something that I think we're taking the wrong route down at the moment with websites that takes minutes and not seconds to load). It really is just a platform to display images, being that it is a photography website that's no bad thing, and is does this with a very simple to use slide show style interface. I've always been keen to make Flash websites with independently loading elements with the intention of keeping overall load times to a minimum before the user can enter the site whether or not the site continues to load content while the user explores. Anyway, this website is a prime example of how we can incorporate rich Flash content without sacrificing too much time waiting to get to the website while it loads the large MP3 music file and downloads all the flashy images.


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