
Initial sketches

Sorry about the poor quality and visibility but they were only pencil sketches.


These sketches were all to be based on the idea of discovering your own power through the use of the digital comics website. It would imply that by using the website you could effectively have at your finger tips your own digital super power. Or at least as far as the super power of reading high quality and unlimited comics online goes.


First sketch: the landscape banner.
Initial plans are for a hand that's controlled by the user and on press will emit lightning bolts form the fingers to singe, burn and strike the MARVEL logo text.



Second sketch: the skyscraper banner.
It was my intention to make another hand controlled by the user, only this time it would emit flame and this would catch the MARVEL logo text on fire.



Final sketch: the 500x500 popup window.
Here I plan to create a fairly simple dress up doll but in the style of a super hero. Using images taken from the digital comics website to create a digital dress up doll in super hero fashion. A sort of pick and mix make your own super character.



These three different ideas would all have included slogans to match the discovery of your powers theme that I was trying to create.

In theory the hardest idea I have here to create will be the lightning power landscape banner. This will require me to explore and research deeply how to create dynamic lightning effects as this is something that I've never attempted before.

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