
Task 3 - Evaluation

I set out to make a web based slide presentation of a computer game of my choice, for all intensive purposes I think I've succeeded.
The site is to the point and contains the theme I had originally intended and set out to achieve.
The only downfall to the site is that I didn't get hold of better quality imagery, however this is mostly overlooked when the site is run in it's intended 800x600 resolution.
Although the website runs perfectly on a Windows based PC for some reason a mac has difficulty rendering some of the images used within. I'm not sure why this is but it's something I'd like to know how to overcome as most of my work is now based on macs.
It would have been nice if I could have included some streaming video into the presentation but as it is I couldn't work out how to get things to load properly and for that matter find video's that were of stream able size on the web.
It's unfortunate that the game I chose to promote hadn't released a proper web kit with their designers pack, the kit is very out of date and thus I could not show off the true graphic splendour of the game as I couldn't have it installed to screenshot for myself.
I would have also liked to give the site some more time dedicated to dynamic and animated content, this is something I'd be very interested to include in any future projects I undertake of this sort. A lot is lost in the presentation of the game as I could not get enough animation included.
The show was a success on the whole, there are definate points I would like to have remedied and the comments left by students in the class have given me a real insite into how the flash application could have been better put through it's paces.

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