
Task 2 - Website

Follow this link to view my website.


The website works, it's concise and it's (in my opinion) well layed out. The major and really only regret is that I could not get 'just' the new content to load and have the banner and nav bars to stay constant. This is something I'd like to look into during a year 2 product. Investigating more advanced code languages and create a more dynamic website experience.
This website however is perfect and just what I needed it and intended it to be, bar one minor detail. There's a flash addition situated underneath the nav bar that does not load when on the web but seems to work fine when run from a local source. Odd, but to my best attempts unsolvable. However annoying it is the flash item under the nav bar was purely cosmetic and not that good anyway so no harm done.
The website contains everything it needed to contain and manages to maintain a constant style and is easy to navigate and use.
There is one element to the website that I feel set's it aside from others and that's the mixed up language/spelling used on the nav and title. I like people to view my work and find it not immeadiately accessable, I want them to spend just a moment think about what they're seeing. This is something I think playing with the text in this manner achieves well.
The project was for all intensive purposes a success and a style and basis I would like to work on in the futre.


Angry Blue

This is a web design, illustrator and general new media artist that I adore. His primary role is to create band art, posters, CD covers and mechandise and has worked with some of the most widely famed bands there have ever been.
His art is somewhat odd, far from unique, but tends to hold well to his particular style. However, he's a good media designer to employ as he follows briefs set very rigorously. This can lead to some of his art being somewhat disapointing but at the same time admirable as he takes difficult tasks and succeeds to inject brilliant illustration and design.
His website is lovely, it's plain and simple to navigate and portrays all his hall mark designs. It's very well layed out and a perfect platform to advertise his skills as a media designer.

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