
Task 3 - Progress

What I Need

The first thing to look for is to get the slides looking as if they've been themed as the real Dark Age of Camelot team would of themed it. This I think would be best explored via a webkit. Most games, and to my knowledge this one as well release webkit's. Packs containing graphics and various web materials for building fan website. This is a great way for the game to promote itself through methods that both cost nothing in money nor staff time.

Making the show:

  1. Take border graphics from the main DAoC website along with banner graphics from the webkit.

  2. Background applied, simply the glow background from one of the webkit graphics.

  3. Fade applied, when a screen is changed it will flick to black and then fade out to the new graphics being displayed.

  4. Added next button and next page.

  5. Added previous button

  6. Added initial slides

  7. Gave slides and transitions between pages a fade.

  8. Re-did the title bar

Final step included polish the edges with black strips and borders while at the same time adding the final slide which displays the creators tag.

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