

While this project was a complete success in both furthering my understanding of back end server management but also in creating a stable and long lasting website I do however understand that it's not entirely completed as far as meeting all the brief requirements set by the client goes.

The website may well have all the functionality it needs to do it's job at this time but does lack a heavier image use that could otherwise help make this a lot more appealing to potential customers.
Due to the bandwidth restrictions of the web host we have been very careful with the images used so as not to push the server limits, I do feel though that the website would benefit greatly from a more media heavy style and will be suggesting that the pay package be increased to accommodate this.

I would have liked to work more on the aesthetic of the website and shall be doing so once this project has been handed in. From my point view at this time, the website would look a lot more collected if the corners were to be rounded off and the the footer and header to use images of either Dartmoor or of the food which Food Dreckly creates.

The website for now is fast, easily updated, clean, fresh and highly functional. For the moment, until new hosting has been sorted, this website will serve as an ideal stopping point for customers wanting to learn further about what is it Food Dreckly does and stands for. Once the hosting plan has been upgraded I will be able to implement a lot more media usage as well as migrating WordPress to the latest release and updating the theme to use the much more advanced K2 engine.

I have sent instructions on the website use to the client as well as giving me a short tutorial on simple tasks, such as managing page content and adding additional news, calendar dates and changing page elements and aspects without too much hassle.

The SEO rating of the website has been much improved, now showing at the top of a Google search, along with excellent SEO data for all the sub pages as well. I will be keeping an eye on the analytics data collected by Woopra and Google as it starts to generate a more detailed picture of website traffic and other data.

All in all this project was a success and I'm very pleased to have the website running so smoothly. There will need to be some changes in the near future, but for now at least it's a competent web portal for Food Dreckly and good showcase item for myself.

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