
Adding News

Because WordPress was originally and still is primarily kept updated as a blogging system it means the admin can blog news direct to a page of the website already created.

  • This is simply done by going to the dashboard of the admin panel, like you would if creating a calendar date. Instead of going for the calendar, selecting 'Write' and then 'Post' you can write a post simply and efficiently to be posted directly to the news page. This page is accessible like any other page on the website is, as a link on the right hand side.

  • Categories can give the posts special functions and permissions as well. Such as staff only viewable item, etc.

  • Now the news tab appears and displays as a link on the menu bar.

  • And there we have news!

  • I also remembered from the brief that the website needed increased Google search rating. In order to do this I tracked down this plugin. This tool let you automatically give pages and even posts increased meta ratings for use with search engines. This SEO plugin will ensure the websites correct place on the Google search listings.

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