
Jelly Jumper

This is a website that Mule showed me earlier. It's to market the Logitec keyboards via a fun game that lets you take control of a jelly man and gets you to jump around a keyboard onto coloured keys. It's actually really good fun for such a simple game. But simple things done well are often the best things. As I've said in prior posts, simple and well done is best. In projects I often complicate things too much for myself and then in the end I always have a good idea which hasn't quite reached it's full potential. I'm trying to train myself to take on less and achieve more. This is a prime example of that ethic.


Liam Parkinson said...

I adored the animation on this site and that little character is so cool. The only thing that i remotely disliked was the fact that some of the keys were not clear in what they did. I had to find myself jumping on them to find out before i could complete the level. Usually resulting in me failing. Excluding that little problem i would say its rather good.

Although i am not sure i understand the relevance of a green blob bouncing on keys to the actual keyboard?

Jako said...

Yea I know what you mean, what does a green jelly blob have to do with Logictech? But that aside it works well. As for the different keys, I found you got to know them just from testing it out and there's no lives system so there's no pressure to complete a level first time. What I've also realised is that the game saves your progress, assuming via cookies, so that when you head back to the website at a later date you can skip to the most recent level you completed.