

CSS is a lovely thing, and lovely things are done with it. This website is a prime example of a good looking quick loading website with interesting design and styling, however, I really hate websites that take you to an entirely re-designed page every time you click a link. This website seems to need to reload itself with entire new layout each link which means the page goes blank while it gets the new content. This site is nice and it's simple but I just find it too annoying to navigate. I'd much prefer the click a link to get the new content loaded into the old layout without having to find all new positions for things. I think it's disorientating and slow for a website that is primarily dealing with quite simply text and images of this sort. Anyway, see what you think.



This is what we like!

This website allows you to send files from computer to computer via the website without the need to install software. You send the file to the website while another computer downloads the file from the website, this allows people to stream video and music to each. Interesting little project that would be very useful but for me as of yet I've not had any cause to use it. Let me know if you do end up using it much.




This is my brothers textile design company that he set up some time back in order to peddle his T-Shirts to various passers by. This website is however a fine example the sort of the website I like. It's in noway overly complicated, it uses neat popup windows that for some reason are never blocked by my popup blocker and it's easy to navigate. Just thought I'd big up the family Osborne really, take a gander. I have a couple T-Shirts from him, really nice designs in my opinion. I especially like his depiction of prince Harry and William with their cocks out.



I'm not sure how this website has been created but I really like the idea of playing with new ways of approaching site exploration. I couldn't work out what was going on at first with this website but when your cursor moves away from the navigation bar the buttons start to disappear until you once again move your cursor back. Is this some sort of PHP script? I'd be interested to know if anyone has any ideas.

Worth checking out though - Tomato

Although I like this website it's certainly not the easiest to access and wouldn't be a website to inviting to the unsuspecting or novice user. Maybe something to be kept (as it is) to the more advanced domain.

Rationale - Pick and Choose iD

I have decided upon the Marvel web comics advert banners for my project. Initially I'd like, instead of exploring flashy imagery and funky animations, to explore clever action script and new approaches in delivering tasters of the comics through the advert banners. Being restricted to 100k file sizes to keep load times to a minimum I thought I'd use a sort of "fetch more data on user request" system to enable viewers to spot the banner containing a taster comic cell and then allow them to interact with the advert to get the banner to fetch another cell to be viewed. In theory the user could view the entire comic (should I let them) through this banner, but of course it would be much easier if they just clicked the "take me to the full comic" button and the Marvel web comic website loaded instead. This would enable me to more or less dodge the 100k file size restriction due to the fact that the user is requesting the increased data and the load time of the banner and thus the entire page would still be kept to a minimum. Of course this may not be possible in full throughout the different banner types, but it is certainly something I'll experiment with when attempting the pop-up ad. All in all I'd like to portray to the viewer that the web comic experience is easily accessible, interactive and above all it's just as entertaining as reading a physical comic.