
Some pre game production fantasies

A key focus in the game scenery will be the advertising. As part of this there will be 3 major types.

  • Corporate

  • Federal

  • Criminal


The setting of the game is aboard a colossus farming ship. It's objective is simply to collect sea based resources (in particular the algae that grows all over the water) and deliver (via small cargo ships) the materials back to the mainlands for sale.

The advertising to this end will be based around the work that the ship carries out, the constant aggressive policing of the floating city and that lovely false corporate productivity banter.

  • Billboards

  • Posters


The floating farm has progressed beyond a simple corporate platform and become a floating city with citizens born, raised and dying upon it's decks. Due to the state of the mainlands, the famine, warfare and disease that have spread since the moon collapsed gaining placement on the ship sounds like a good deal. It's got work, food and is for the most part safe from the toils of war. However due to the demand for work the ship has become itself a battleground of illegal immigration and poor working conditions.

Policing has become paramount to the floating city state. The advertising on this front will represent

calls for new officers (or as I'm calling them in this game 'prefects'). Along with this there will also be warnings of punishment for criminal actions and rioting.

  • Billboards

  • Posters

  • Fliers


Criminal advertising will be in the form of graffiti mostly but also in the form of character speech. Passers by offering drugs etc. There will also be a strong terrorist and rebel advertising present. Posters and graffiti making up the majority of this.

  • Posters

  • Word of mouth

  • Graffiti

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