

For my project I will be attempting to design and make a live website that promotes my media design skills. I feel this project would best serve me as web design is something I would like to become proficient in and a website promoting myself is something I could put to long term use (if it's any good).
I have both the web space and domain name with which to use for my project and would like by the end of it to be able to actually generate some user interest in it. This might mean promoting it with interactive media such as games and user submitted work.
Because the website will no doubt be the largest promotional aspect of a new media designers portfolio I am going to have to create a website that not only works flawlessly but also looks clever and well designed all round.
Because there is no end of web design and media design web site's out there I will need to devise some gimmick's that set myself aside from all others. This may well take the form of a more genre or scene based website. Possibly something that caters more towards a certain sort of person, whether that be by their taste in music or age.
Because my code skills are far from good I will have to spend more time focusing on the visual aspect of the website.
This project also allows me to display work created at college while at the same time continuing my work on a website created from a previous module.

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