
Initial Montage Ideas

The hardest design point in this task is the choosing of images to portray aspects of my life and my interests.
My initial idea is to have seemingly un-related images collected together with a single photographic image, such as a hand holding photographs.
I intend to have a photograph of my hand holding slips of paper between my fingers (more than likely using both hands). I will then super impose onto the paper the images I wish to use. I will then make the images and the paper combine to form what looks like old photographs. This design should get a nice minimalist style but at the same time allow me to cram as much imagery in as I should need. The images should be busy and full where-as the hands holding the images should be still and quiet, possibly on a calm, plane, white background.
Another route to take would be to instead of photographing my hands but to draw them holding paper. This would add (but may not look quite so good) a more personal touch to the work. If I drew my hands then I think I may have to draw over the images I’m using within the work in order to get things looking better connected.

Other ideas (as shown in image) have been that of a tree with images for leafs or just a scattering of what looks like old polaroid photographs.

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